Thursday 9 September 2010

they get it right

I left the apartment and stepped on out into Palerms. It was about five in the afternoon. Post spaghetti blackout. Spaghetti blackout. This is siesta time, when everything and everyone shuts down. When you cannot even buy spaghetti.
So, Roscoe hit the streets in search of a treat. I had my mind set on gelato. Instead I settled on prosecco and a little plate of gorgeous, small tasty bits, or aperitivo. But I could have had gelato. I could have had cake or pastry. I also could have had coffee. I could have had granita.
Then it got me thinking. God, how right did these Italians get it? I mean, can you think of any other culture that caters to indulgence on this level. Yeah, yeah, I know what you are thinking. Stop making huge cultural generalisations, Roscoe. But isn't life general? The French are pretty good at indulging but they are inflexible purists who take themselves too seriously. The Iberians don't have enough variety for me. Americans have no idea what real food is. Fat people eating fat free treats full of sugar? Uh uh. And Asian treats are just wrong. Corn and red beans in ice and silly-putty rice? No thanks.
So, generally speaking, yeah, I decided that no one does it quite like these guys and if you accuse me of of gross cultural generalisations than I plead guilty. Okay?

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