Thursday 2 September 2010

I see dead people part 2 or The plot thickens

But wait, there's more. We hooked up with a local today (seriously, a very well connected local on a Da Vinci Code scale) and he told us more about the Capuchin catacombs.
So, class, if you have been following the blog you will know the influence of the Greeks, Romans and Arabs on this place. It's theorised that the embalming techniques of the Egyptians were used in preserving the bodies in the catacombs. 
But did you know that surviving family members had access to the catacombs to visit dead relatives? Fact. The body was handed over (not to be taken from the catacomb) and you could do whatever you liked to your dead loved one. Lipstick could be applied to dead lips, fingers run through dead hair, rouge put on dead cheeks, shoes polished, belts buckled and flies zipped. 
It just got weird. 

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