Thursday 9 September 2010

sounds like Bogata

Do any Australians out there remember Pecks paste, an anchovy spread, whose catch phrase was 'a little bit goes a long way'? Loved this stuff as a kid. Couldn't get enough, in fact. So I disagreed with the good people at Pecks (did they make anything else?) on this part. To me, a little bit was never enough.
So I come to Sicily, home of bottarga but you will see it in other parts of The Mediterranean going by other names. And any visit here worth the effort involves trying bottarga. The seguey here is that bottarga is kind of like anchovy spread, but much, much better. Bottarga sounds like Bogata, which is apt because it is the cocaine of the anchovy spread world.
Bottarga is the dried fish roe (egg pouch) of a few varieties of fish, the best quality coming from tuna. It has the colour of foie gras. It is not fishy at all but really salty and savoury.
There is one of two ways to best enjoy this. We had it very finely sliced, like prosciutto, layed out on a plate, drizzled with olive oil with some bread on the side. Simple and delicious. We had it tossed through spaghetti with olive oil. Simple and delicious.
Often, and unfairly, described as the poor man's caviar. I prefer to say it is the rich guy's Pecks paste.

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