Thursday 26 August 2010

loving cassata gelato

The day began early with a quote from Timmy - money follows hotness, hotness follows money.  We were in the shallow end and it could only get deeper. We had been for an early morning run after both of us were woken by noisy garbage men. Actually, I had been woken much earlier by car alarms, tom cats and a really noisy sea gull.
To sum up today - we exercised, we had a really good lunch and we walked the walk of good tourists. We covered it all; the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and the Normans, all contributing to make Sicily one great, big lucky dip of delights.
We stumbled across a restaurant in an alley. We had a a plate of cold meats; salami, mortadella (devon by any other name) and some really good olives. Please, don't try this at home. The deli section at most Aussie supermarkets won't do. There is something about the simplicity of this food that cannot be easily replicated. Pasta next. I was excited to be eating buccanti con sarde. My basic foodie knowledge told me it was pasta with sardines. The sardine component was really a fishy sauce, quite thick and pasty, which you need to coat the fat strands of pasta.  The inclusion of currants, pine nuts and bottarga (salted, dry fish roe) mirrored our afternoon of history. This dish is what this Sicily all about; one leg firmly in Italy and the other with a few toes still clinging on to North Africa, the Middle East and beyond.

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